Social Policy
The Social policy of SNG OIL REFINERY Is focused on the well beign of the empoyes, We strive to provide the best social policies both internal and external policies integrated in one system to achive the pest of thier proffesional output for the company.The Internal corporate social policy of SNG OIL REFINERY - is based on the prevailing opinion of the company to not only provide income and pay taxes the taxes of our employees, but also to take care of our employees. This sends clear signal of our wishes.
The Internal corporate social policy of SNG OIL REFINERY include:
- Staff development, professional qualification of employees;
- Corporate culture;
- Recreation and fitness workers and their families;
- Attract and support young people, including those in education programs;
- Sports programs;
- Material assistance;
- Assistance to veterans;
- Implementation of a variety of children's programs.
The external corporate social policy of SNG OIL REFINERY - This definately include a policy plan for the local community in which the activities of the company are in progress and most of our business partners.
The Main directions of the external corporate social policy of SNG OIL REFINERY include:
- Our participation in the financing of large-scale government-driven investment in the religious, medical, sports and cultural facilities;
- The maintenance of public utilities;
- Our Support in the establishment of medical, educational and cultural institutions in the region;
- Our help in the organization of cultural - recreational activities;
- Implementation of educational projects for the public;
- The support of innovative projects aimed at the development of the local community;